What’s the weather like in Athens in November?

As November comes over our part of Europe, you feel it right around the corner. Winter, remind you that all’s going to hell for a few months in a moment. But what about the rest of the world? Does Greece also have that same moment of existential dread? Today, we’ll take a look at how Athens fares in November. Is it already cold? Let’s take a look!


Temperature in Athens in November

Actually, there’s sort of a soft reminder, though it’s on quite a different scale than in our case. At the beginning of the month, average day temperatures sit around 21°C, so like there’s no winter anywhere in sight. As the month nears its end, though, average temperatures drop to 16-17°C. As such, you may prefer to choose an earlier date to catch some of that warmth.

Nights are already quite chilly, at 11°C. The sea, on the other hand, is not so bad – it’s still at 20°C, so you can genuinely go for a short dip in November, especially at the beginning of the month.


Weather in Athens in November

As for the rest, you can certainly expect some rain. Greece is typically very dry in summer and a lot moister in winter, so you’ll find about a week worth of rain in November. As such, check the forecast before departure to see whether you’ll need an umbrella. 

Apart from that, days are already getting a bit shorter, with about 10 hours of daylight in November. Only 5 of these hours are of sunshine, so it’s also getting a lot greyer fast. Still, the temperatures are perfectly pleasant for exploring the city or hiking somewhere nearby. It may not be all that great for lounging on the beach in Athens anymore, though. For that, September’s much better.


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