
Are there cars in Venice?

If you’re hiring a car for your holidays in Italy or you’ve arrived there in your own vehicle, you may be wondering whether you can drive into Venice. Well, can you? Are there cars in Venice? Can you drive up to it? Let’s take a look at the basics today.

See More →Are there cars in Venice?


Which river passes through Florence?

Florence is one of the most charming and interesting cities in Italy visited by thousands of tourists every year. Most of them, though, have very little clue about the city itself. If you’d like to get your basics before the holiday, you’re in the right spot. Today, we’re looking at what river passes through Florence. If you’re here for the crossword answer, don’t fret, you’re welcome too.

See More →Which river passes through Florence?


Which sea is Sicily on?

If you’re thinking of going to Sicily for your holidays and you’re set on lounging dead-flat on the beach all day, you may want to at least know what sea will be your daily companion. Is Sicily in the Mediterranean Sea? Let’s find out today.

See More →Which sea is Sicily on?