
What can you buy in Genoa?

Genoa is famous for its food, beautiful views and for giving birth to Christopher Columbus. If you’re thinking of visiting it yourself, you may want to know what you can buy there. Today, we’ll go over what souvenirs and gifts you can find in Genoa. Let’s take a look!

See More →What can you buy in Genoa?


What to see in Cinque Terre?

Cinque Terre is a coastal section in the north of Italy, encompassing five villages (Cinque Terre means ‘Five Lands’), a coastline and some magnificent hills. It’s a very popular destination due to just how beautiful the area is. Each village has its own personality and there’s enough to see for a good few days. What can you see there? We’ll go over that today.

See More →What to see in Cinque Terre?


Should you go to Bologna in autumn?

Are you thinking of an autumn holiday but you’re not sure where to go? Today, we’ll make the case that Bologna is a wonderful spot for a visit in September, October or November. We’ll go over both a couple of arguments and the weather forecast so you can have a full image of what you’d be signing up for. Let’s take a look!

See More →Should you go to Bologna in autumn?


Italy in winter: where should you go?

Are you thinking of a winter trip to Italy but you’re not sure about the location yet? After all, Italy is quite vast and winters can look very different depending on whether we visit the north or south. As such, today, we’ll go over which regions will serve you best depending on what you’re looking for. Here’s our guide to winter in Italy!

See More →Italy in winter: where should you go?


What to buy in Bologna?

Bologna may not be as famous as Venice, though it’s still very well known, mainly thanks to cuisine. If you’re headed there yourself, you may be curious what souvenirs or gifts you could buy there. Today, we’ll go over exactly that. Let’s take a look!

See More →What to buy in Bologna?