
Should you go to Sardinia in summer?

You may have heard that Sardinia is one of the best holiday destinations in Europe. It’s safe, it’s got lovely food and it’s warm. But just how warm? If you’re thinking of summer holidays in Sardinia, we’ll go over a couple of reasons why it’s a great idea. We’ll also take a look at what weather you can expect in each of the summer months. Let’s take a look!

See More →Should you go to Sardinia in summer?


Should you go to Sardinia in spring? Weather forecast for March, April and May

If you’re longing for nothing more than some long-awaited warmth after the cold grasp of winter, yet your home country is just not quite cutting it, then today we’ll offer you an alternative. Italy’s Sardinia is a wonderful destination for pretty much any time of year. What can you do in Sardinia in spring? What temperatures can you expect in March, April and May? Let’s go over that today.

See More →Should you go to Sardinia in spring? Weather forecast for March, April and May


Is Sardinia safe?

If you’ve heard anything about Sardinia, it’s likely the beautiful spring, the great weather and Sardinian banditry. As such, a question comes to mind on its own: how safe is Sardinia? Should you be concerned about crime, pickpockets, thieves? Let’s take a look.

See More →Is Sardinia safe?


What can you buy in Sardinia?

Are you thinking of a trip to Sardinia? If so, you likely know that it has great weather, beautiful sights and perfect beaches. You may not, however, know what you can bring back home with you from there. You may think it’s just more of the same as in the rest of Italy, but that’s completely not the case. Today, we’ll go over a couple of iconic things you can find and buy in Sardinia. Let’s take a look!

See More →What can you buy in Sardinia?