
What’s the weather like in Prague in October?

October is already an out-of-season month, meaning a large number of people plan their trips at this time, hoping for lower prices and no crowds. Situation in Prague is no different – though it’s no southern Europe and we can’t expect tropical heat, we’d still prefer it if it could be at least mildly warm. Well, is it? Today, we’ll go over what temperatures you can expect in Prague in October.

See More →What’s the weather like in Prague in October?


What’s the weather like in Prague in November?

Out-of-season trips are becoming more and more popular as people realise it’s a way to avoid the main crowds and find slightly lower prices. November, typically the beginning of the proper cold season, sounds like a great time to avoid all of the tourist craze. If you’d like to visit Prague at that time of year, what weather can you expect there? Just how cold is it? Today, we’ll look at exactly that.

See More →What’s the weather like in Prague in November?


Should you go to Bologna in autumn?

Are you thinking of an autumn holiday but you’re not sure where to go? Today, we’ll make the case that Bologna is a wonderful spot for a visit in September, October or November. We’ll go over both a couple of arguments and the weather forecast so you can have a full image of what you’d be signing up for. Let’s take a look!

See More →Should you go to Bologna in autumn?


Sea temperature on Zakynthos in the summer

Zakynthos is the third largest island in the Ionian Islands archipelago. Its landscape includes white beaches, olive groves, impressive cliffs and a sea that shimmers in shades of blue and green. Zakynthos is one of those beautiful places where you can forget about the whole world. It doesn’t hurt either that the weather here is typically fantastic. Want to know how warm the water surrounding the island is? Let’s find out!

See More →Sea temperature on Zakynthos in the summer


Warmest regions in Greece in May

The Greek islands have long been a very popular tourist destination, so much so that summers mean pretty much every popular beach is swarmed instantly. As such, many tourists may want to come a tiny bit earlier, in May, for instance. Today, we’ll take a look at which part of Greece is warmest in May, so you can choose a proper pre-summer summer destination.

See More →Warmest regions in Greece in May


Is Kos windy? Meltemi wind on Kos

Kos is known mainly as a tiny island with beautiful sandy beaches and ideal conditions for water sports. This may be misleading, though – water sports may be fun in a place full of wind, but lounging on a beach may be much less fun when you’re trying to keep the wind from stealing your hat. As such, today we’ll take a look at just how windy Kos is and whether you can relax there in peace.

See More →Is Kos windy? Meltemi wind on Kos


Sea temperatures in Corfu in summer

Corfu is an island famous for its abundance of greenery, azure sea and wonderful sights. It’s hard not to fall in love with the island’s wild beauty. It’s a paradise for both nature lovers and avid beach enthusiasts. For the latter, today we’ll check what sea temperature you can expect in summer. Can you swim around Corfu in June? Is the sea warm in Corfu in July? Let’s take a look!

See More →Sea temperatures in Corfu in summer