Can you see dolphins around Corfu?

Can you find dolphins around Corfu? Are there dolphin watching cruises available on the island? Let’s take a look at the dolphin situation in the Ionian Sea.

We’ve already covered the shark situation in Greece before, though we’ve not yet touched upon dolphins. Thanks to the favourable conditions in the Mediterranean Sea (including the Ionian Sea), there are lots of species of dolphins, including the common dolphin, the bottlenose dolphin, the striped dolphin and the Risso’s dolphin. Dolphins tend to live in small groups, are usually friendly (at least to us) and live up to 20-50 years in the wild on average. They also like to accompany boats and swim behind them sometimes, hence why a trend has come to organise dolphin watching tours. And yes, you have a chance of seeing one yourself on Corfu too.


How to see dolphins around Corfu?


Here are a couple of tips:

  • Tourists encounter dolphins mainly on special cruises or when crossing between islands – for instance, when going from Corfu to Paxos
  • You may want to either take binoculars or a camera with a very strong zoom with you, as you may even be able to spot them from the shore. This is the much less likely option
  • If seeing dolphins is your lifelong dream and you’re not short on cash, you can always hire a boat with a captain for yourself and set out on your quest to look for dolphins


What kind of dolphins will you see in Corfu?

Delfiny Korfu

Dolphins living in the coastal waters of Greece are exposed to threats, mainly human ones. Some populations have to cope with increasing human interference, in Corfu you will encounter mainly the:

  • Bottlenose Dolphins, 
  • Common Dolphins, 
  • Risso’s Dolphins 
  • Striped Dolphins.


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