What’s the weather like in Crete in June?

June is the first month of the high season and so it may prompt many of you to sail off to the faraway lands already. If your sails take you to Crete in June, what weather should you expect? Is it hot enough for the beach? Does it rain? Let’s check out all of that today.


Temperatures in Crete in June


Let’s start with the temperatures themselves – how warm is Crete in June? You certainly needn’t worry about needing a jacket, as temperatures typically sit about 26°C at the beginning of the month and 28°C at the end. You can certainly encounter days reaching 30°C and higher! Evenings and nights tend to stay quite warm too, at about 20°C.

As for the waters around Crete, it’s very pleasant as well, at 22°C. It’ll get a bit warmer in July and August, up to 25°C, though it’s already good enough for long baths.


Weather in Crete in June


As for the rest of the weather, it’s favourable all across the board. There’s practically no rain whatsoever and, out of the 14 hours of daylight that you get, 12 hours are of pure sunshine.

Crete in June is a textbook example of the typical Mediterranean aura in the summer and you won’t be able to hide from it, love it or hate it. If you’re a fan of very hot weather, then summer in Crete is certainly for you. If you’re not so fond of it, perhaps consider an out-of-season trip!


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