Do I Need a Passport To Go To Bergamo or Just ID?

Italy is one of the most popular holiday destinations among tourists from all over the world, but there are still people who have not yet been to Italy and before going to Bergamo they wonder: what documents are needed for a holiday in Bergamo. Do you need a passport or proof to go to Bergamo? What documents are needed for a child to Bergamo? Let’s check it out!

If you’ve been wondering whether you need a passport or proof to go to Bergamo, we have the answer for you. As you know, the city of Bergamo is in Italy and Italy is part of the European Union. What does this mean for us?

If you are a citizen of an EU country and you are coming to Bergamo from another EU country, all you need is a valid identity card. Of course, if you wish to use your passport for air travel, this is also possible. If you are travelling by car to Bergamo via EU countries, you will not encounter border controls, which does not mean you have to leave your documents at home! We must have them!

Citizens of the United States, Japan or Canada must have a valid passport with them. Neither an identity card nor a driving licence are sufficient documents to travel to Italy.

What about travelling to Bergamo with a child? A passport for the child? Minors who are EU citizens travelling within the European Union to Italy need documents when travelling alone, but transit countries may require them, so it is best to have both the child’s travel documents and parental consent if the child is not travelling with mum and dad!

Minors with citizenship other than one of the EU countries must have a passport!

Summary: Do I need a passport to go to Bergamo or is an identity card enough? European Union citizens travelling to Bergamo from other EU countries can travel to Bergamo with an identity card or, if they wish, a passport. Non-EU citizens must have a passport and some countries, such as third world countries, even a visa.

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