Public holidays in Germany

If you’re travelling to Germany and you want to make use of any services, you may want to make sure that you’re not visiting during a public holiday. Today, we’ll go over all the relevant public holidays in 2024 so you don’t have to worry about sites being closed when you arrive.


Public holidays in Germany 2024


Here’s a calendar with all days off in Germany in 2024, including regional holidays:

Holidays in 2024 Description
1 January – New Year’s Eve Germany celebrates New Year’s Day, an official day-off, by shooting fireworks, drinking champagne and enjoying special Berliner doughnuts
6 January – Epiphany Germany celebrates Epiphany, an official day-off, in some states (Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Saxony-Anhalt) where children dress up as the Three Kings and sing carols
8 March – International Women’s Day Women’s Day is also a day-off in Berlin (only) since 2019. It may also involve various marches and events to celebrate femininity
29 March – Good Friday One of the most important days for Christians, preparing for the formal celebration of the resurrection of Christ
31 March – Easter Sunday Official day-off, celebrated with family dinners and traditional Easter dishes
1 April – Easter Monday Also an official day-off, celebrated with more family meetups, picnics and easter egg hunts
1 May – Labour Day
An official day-off to celebrate worker rights
9 May – Ascension Day Ascension Day is also a day-off in Germany, celebrating the titular ascension of Jesus to heaven
19 May – Whit Sunday Celebration of the descent of the Holy Spirit
20 May – Whit Monday Whit Monday is a day-off, marking a long weekend alongside Whitsun
30 May – Corpus Christi Corpus Christi is a day-off in 8 provinces: Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hessen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Thuringia and Saxony
15 August – Assumption Day Assumption Day is only celebrated in Saarland and parts of Bavaria
3 October – Day of German Unity The 3rd of October celebrates the reunification of Western and Eastern Germany in 1990 – it’s naturally a day-off in all of the states
31 October – Reformation Day The Reformation Day is observed in these states: Brandenburg, Hamburg, Mecklenburg, Lower Saxony, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia
1 November – All Saints’ Day All Saints’ Day is a day-off in select states too: Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland
20 November – Repentance Day Repentance Day is an official holiday in Saxony
25 December – Christmas Day Needs no introduction, naturally it’s a day off in all of Germany
26 December – 2nd day of Christmas Same here


Federal holidays in Germany

  • New Year’s Day
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Monday
  • Ascension Day
  • Whit Monday
  • Labour Day
  • German Unity Day
  • First Christmas Day
  • Second Christmas Day


See also:

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