Should you go to Greece in winter?

Are you thinking of having a winter holiday but you’re not sure where to spend it? Today, we’ll make the case for Greece. What weather can you expect in December, January and February? What advantages does winter in Greece have over the rest of the year? Let’s take a look!


Delicious Greek cuisine


kuchnia grecka

Though Christmas in Greece may not bring gifts for the children, it does bring some lovely food. You can try various special Christmas cakes and baklavas. You may even find a cultural shock in that there’s fresh orange juice, as oranges ripen during winter here. 


Great weather (for winter standards)


Grecja luty
It snows in Greece too

If you’re sick and tired of the grey damp winter, we recommend wintering in Greece. Temperatures are still quite pleasant, especially in the south. In Crete, for instance, average temperatures sit around 16°C, sometimes reaching above 20°C! There’s quite a bit of rain, though, so check the forecasts and plan in advance.


No crowds in Greece


pałac Knossos
Knossos Palace, Crete

If you value peace and quiet, then there’s no better time for a holiday in Greece than January and February. December, as you can imagine, can get a bit crowded again due to Christmas. It’s a good time to visit any of the major attractions you want to see, as you’ll find no massive queues in front of the entrance. 

Sadly, the sword of destiny has two edges. While it’s much more peaceful, some establishments close for the low winter season, as there’s simply not enough traffic to keep them going. As such, if you have any particular place in mind, make sure that it doesn’t hibernate during winter.


Lower prices


marathonisi grecja

Prices for flights and accommodation go down significantly during winter – in the most expensive places in Greece, costs can sometimes be cut in half. Same goes for some services and tourist attractions. If you’re interested in a winter holiday anyway, then it’s just an extra win.


Activities not available any other season


flamingi Grecja

There are some things that you can’t actually do in Greece outside of winter. Starting with the obvious, you have the ski resorts of Arachova, Kalavryta and Elatochori. Of the less obvious, you can also find flamingos brought here for the winter period! You can find them on Corfu, Lefkada, Kos and Agios Mamas.


Greek Christmas


Grecja swieta

The Greek Christmas effectively lasts twelve days – from Christmas Eve till the 6th of January. Apart from the aforementioned Christmas food, you’ll also be able to observe the beautiful Christmas decorations which, in Greece, often fall on the coasts and on the boats. Decorating the boats is actually an important tradition for Greeks and it’s a sight to behold.

If you want to feel the atmosphere of Christmas, try a drive to the Christmas Village in Oneiroupoli.


You can still bathe in Greek waters (sort of)


gorace zrodla grecja

We don’t just mean in the sea, though, at the beginning of December, that’s still doable, as the sea is at about 20 degrees Celsius. There are also other options, like hot springs! You can find them on Santorini and Rhodes, or you can choose Lake Vouliagmeni near Athens.


Greece in December


Grecja grudzien

If you’d like to see Christmas in Greece, then you can expect about 15°C throughout Greece on average. The islands are typically a bit warmer, sometimes reaching above 20°C. Typically, about a third of the month is rainy, so check your forecasts well in advance.


Greece in January


Grecja styczen

January tends to be a tad colder, down to about 13°C on average. You can still commonly see days about 15-18°C pop up here and there. Still about 10 days of rain, so an umbrella is a must.


Greece in February


Grecja luty

The beginning of the month is still very cold, though the end may surprise you with the 20°C mark sometimes. It’s slowly starting to feel like spring. Still, don’t expect miracles too early, as it’s still about 14°C average throughout Greece. 

Greece and winter are quite a great match if you don’t mind that it’s a bit colder. Compared to our winters, it’s frankly quite pleasant. As such, if you don’t like crowds, typical holiday costs and you can handle the 15°Cs, go to Greece! If you’d like it a bit warmer, check out Cyprus.


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