Does Mallorca have orcas? Killer whales in Mallorca

In today’s post, we’ll go over whether you can find orcas in Mallorca. I mean, it’s in the name, right? Surely the Mediterranean waters are home to at least some killer whales?


Orcas from Mallorcas


Mallorca is a part of the Balearic archipelago, surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea. Thanks to the Mediterranean being a warm sea, Mallorca hides lots of interesting animals in its off-coast waters, including dolphins, whales and many a fish. Interestingly, you can also find these closer to the shore and you can meet them during special dolphin/whale watching cruises. Can you find orcas there as well? Yes, there’s a good chance you can see killer whales in Mallorca.


Killer whale boat attacks


These large members of the dolphin family are seen frequently around the Balearic islands and actually interact with the boats passing them by by… battering them. In 2020, more than 30 killer whale attacks on boats were recorded near Spain. The animals would slam into the boat for hours at a time sometimes, often destroying them completely. In May of 2023, orcas rammed into the Mustique yacht, as the Majorca Daily Bulletin reported. Further, in 2022, there were 207 such reported interactions in the Strait of Gibraltar alone that year. Some believe that the hostility may be a result of overfishing on bluefin tuna, orca’s primary food source. We also read in the same article that:


According to the Daily Telegraph researchers believe that a female orca called White Gladis is seeking revenge after being traumatised by a collision with a boat, or being trapped in illegal fishing nets.

So yes, in short, Mallorca’s orcas are not the friendliest of aquatic mammals as of late.


Where can you find orcas in Mallorca?


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Here is where Orcas are found on the Mediterranean Sea

Many companies and locals in Mallorca run dolphin-watching cruises off the coast of Mallorca – if you’re lucky, you might get to see orcas there too. The price for such a cruise is between €40 – €80 per person for about 3 – 4 hours of cruising. If you’re seasick, we’re sorry but it’s tough luck.

Good luck in your search for orcas in Mallorca!


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