Guide to the Sex Machines Museum in Prague

If you were thinking of visiting Prague, you’ve likely planned a trip to at least one of its museums, like the National Museum, for instance. Today, though, we’ll take you to a place less known and less ‘standard’. We’ll go over the Sex Machines Museum – how much do tickets cost? When does it open? What even is it? Let’s take a look.


The Sex Machines Museum

The SMM was established in 2002 and, as you can imagine, it’s a museum of tools and devices for sexual use. It’s actually quite massive, at 600m2, with three floors and over 350 exhibits, including “copulation tables” and various archaic vibrators and other tools for masturbation while also including centuries old chastity belts or more modern anti-masturbation devices for boys. The extent of the contents is massive and even extends to having a mini-theatre for viewing the earliest renditions of pornography. If you’re curious how we indulged in the erotic for hundreds of years as a species, it’s genuinely a great visit.


Tickets and opening hours for the SMM

You have three main options:

  • Regular ticket – 300 crowns
  • Student ticket – 200 crowns
  • Group ticket (at least 10 people) – 200 crowns each

If you’re used to seeing reduced tickets for underage people, we hope it’s understandable why these are not displayed here. It’s adults only and in case of an extreme baby face, an ID check may be required. You can find the tickets on the official website of the museum

The museum is open daily from 10am to 11pm. Don’t think twice about it and give it a shot! It’s a fun one. Not in a weird way.


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