Should you go to Sardinia in spring? Weather forecast for March, April and May

If you’re longing for nothing more than some long-awaited warmth after the cold grasp of winter, yet your home country is just not quite cutting it, then today we’ll offer you an alternative. Italy’s Sardinia is a wonderful destination for pretty much any time of year. What can you do in Sardinia in spring? What temperatures can you expect in March, April and May? Let’s go over that today.


The most beautiful time of year in Sardinia



This is, by far, the most beautiful time of year in Sardinia. The winter rains make everything on the island blossom wonderfully in spring and the whole island becomes beautifully green. Apart from being the season of renewal, it’s also the season of the best photos on the island.


The perfect time for hiking in Sardinia


Trekking Sardynia

Since the whole island is blooming and the temperatures are pleasant, it’s also a great time for a hike. Given that it’s not as overwhelmingly hot as in summer, the walks won’t be as tiring. Take a hike through one of Sardinia’s beautiful national parks or reserves.


Fewer tourists in Sardinia


mniej turystów Sardynia

Sardinia is very popular in the summer season, with hordes of tourists swarming the island. If you don’t like the crowds (and the overbearing heat either), then spring is a much better choice. March and April are usually the calmest months, though Easter may have a short spike.


Spring weather in Sardinia


pogoda wiosna Sardynia

One thing is for certain – it will be much warmer than anything we can expect. It may rain a little, about 7 days a month, but it’s all relatively tame stuff. Temperatures range from 16-22°C. Let’s look at how these temperatures pan out in each individual month.


Sardinia in March


marzec Sardynia

Temperatures in March historically sit around 16°C average, though recent years have had spikes to upwards of 24°C. You can expect occasional ups of 20°C. At night, temperatures drop to about 8°C on average, so do pack something warm for the evenings. March has 7 estimated rainy days, so do also consider an umbrella.


Sardinia in April


kwiecień Sardynia

What about April? It may rain very slightly less and it’ll certainly be a bit warmer. Average temperatures increase to 18°C, with April in 2023 regularly reaching 20-25°C. Night temperatures also increase by 2°C on average.


Sardinia in May


maj Sardynia

While April may be comparably rainy to March, May is certainly a sharp decrease in rainfall and a sharp increase in temperatures. Summer is around the corner and you feel it everywhere. Average temperatures jump to 22°C, though the end of the month may go up to about 30°C. Nights will also be quite pleasant, at about 14°C.

As such, spring in Sardinia is quite a perfect time for if you don’t need the extra heat – you’ve got calmer months with slightly lower temperatures in March and April and a very warm month in May. The drawback is that May already sees slightly higher tourist numbers, but it’s still nothing compared to summer.


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