
How warm is the Mediterranean Sea? Mediterranean Sea temperatures in the summer

The Mediterranean Sea attracts hordes of tourists every year, and there’s a good chance that you may be joining one next holiday season too. The warm air temperatures surrounding it are always one of the main selling points, but what about the waters? How warm is the Mediterranean Sea? What are the water temperatures in Crete, Cyprus, Sicily and Spain?

See More →How warm is the Mediterranean Sea? Mediterranean Sea temperatures in the summer


11 best places to visit in Bilbao

Bilbao is a city of a harmonious duo – modern stylish architecture and centuries-old monuments. As such, it’s a great spot for enthusiasts of both ancient history and a touch of freshness. If either of those sound up your alley, what’s worth seeing in Bilbao, the capital city of the Biscay province? What to visit on your trip to Bilbao? In today’s post, we’ll go over our list of the 11 best spots in Bilbao.

See More →11 best places to visit in Bilbao