Choosing a holiday destination is not always so easy – especially today, when pretty much every place wants to assure you that they’ve got everything you may ever need, how do you even decide which one’s right for you? As such, today, we’ll try to settle a matter of whether you should pick Rhodes or Corfu for your holidays. Let’s take a look!
corfu temperatures
What’s the weather like in Corfu in summer?
Are you interested in flying to Corfu but you’re not sure what weather to expect? After all, Corfu is not on the side of Greece where Crete and Rhodes lie, so it might have a very different climate from the rest. As such, today we’ll go over what weather and temperatures you can expect from Corfu in summer!
Crete vs Corfu: which one should you choose?
Sadly, we can’t have everything in life, at least not all at once. Thus, if you’re going to the Greek islands, you’re likely going to have to choose just one for a trip. And which one should you choose? Today, we’ll take a look at Crete and Corfu in particular. Which one has better beaches? Tourist attractions? Clubs and parties? Let’s take a look.