
Warmest regions in Greece in May

The Greek islands have long been a very popular tourist destination, so much so that summers mean pretty much every popular beach is swarmed instantly. As such, many tourists may want to come a tiny bit earlier, in May, for instance. Today, we’ll take a look at which part of Greece is warmest in May, so you can choose a proper pre-summer summer destination.

See More →Warmest regions in Greece in May


9 best places to see in Chania

Chania, the former capital of Crete, is one of the oldest cities in Greece and a popular tourist destination. You can find loads of monuments and charming streets where the history of the city intertwines with the rhythm of modernity. Whether you dream of a holiday resort, with family or strangers or a place full of secrets to explore, Chania will serve you well either way. What should you see in Chania? What are its best tourist attractions? Let’s take a look!

See More →9 best places to see in Chania


9 best things to see in Heraklion

Heraklion is the beautiful capital of Crete – it combines the hallmark of Greece, the ancient monuments, with loads of Venetian architecture and turquoise waters of the Mediterranean Sea. What can you see there? What are the best tourist attractions you can find in Heraklion? We’ll go over exactly that in today’s guide.

See More →9 best things to see in Heraklion


Is it safe in Crete?

Apart from seeking pleasant temperatures and wondrous sights, we also want to feel safe during our holidays. Is Crete, one of the most beautiful Greek islands, going to keep you safe during your stay? What should you look out for? Let’s take a look.

See More →Is it safe in Crete?