
Is Athens safe to visit?

Athens is among the most famous cities of the world and one of the larger metropolitan areas in Europe. Amidst the swarms of people, both tourists and locals, can we be sure that we’re safe? Is Athens a safe city to visit? Should you be concerned about pickpockets and robbers? Let’s take a look.

See More →Is Athens safe to visit?


13 best Greek foods to try!

Greek cuisine is full of meat, vegetables and barbecue – you’ve likely had some of them already, though they’ll certainly taste much different when made by actual Greeks. Today, we’ll go over some of our favourite items from the Greek menu that we think are most worth a try. Let’s take a look!

See More →13 best Greek foods to try!


What should you buy on Corfu?

Are you flying to Corfu and you’re wondering what gifts and souvenirs you can buy for your loved ones back home? Perhaps you just want something for yourself to preserve the memory of the trip physically? Either way, today, we’ll take a look at 10 things we’d recommend you buy while in Corfu!

See More →What should you buy on Corfu?