
What can you buy in Zakynthos?

Fridge magnets, mugs, olive oil and alcohol – these are the typical grabs many of us bring back from our holidays, adding them to a whole wall of fridge magnets, mugs and olive oils. What if we mixed it up for a change? Delicious local honey? Handmade olive bowls? Turtle merch? Let’s take a look at what you can find in Zakynthos.

See More →What can you buy in Zakynthos?


13 best Greek foods to try!

Greek cuisine is full of meat, vegetables and barbecue – you’ve likely had some of them already, though they’ll certainly taste much different when made by actual Greeks. Today, we’ll go over some of our favourite items from the Greek menu that we think are most worth a try. Let’s take a look!

See More →13 best Greek foods to try!