
Italy in winter: where should you go?

Are you thinking of a winter trip to Italy but you’re not sure about the location yet? After all, Italy is quite vast and winters can look very different depending on whether we visit the north or south. As such, today, we’ll go over which regions will serve you best depending on what you’re looking for. Here’s our guide to winter in Italy!

See More →Italy in winter: where should you go?


Best beaches in Palermo

Palermo is one of the best places to visit in Sicily, be it for its wonderful attractions or just the sights. But can you also go to the beach in Palermo? Kind of. There are a few tiny segments which are beach-like in Palermo, though most of the good stuff is just a bit away from the centre. Don’t fret, it’s not too far and certainly well worth it. What are the best beaches in Palermo? Let’s find out!

See More →Best beaches in Palermo