If you’re unsure how much money you have to commit to your Sicily trip, maybe you wonder whether such a famed tourist destination is cheap or quite the opposite, we’ve got a guide for you that should be able to answer all of your questions, about the hotels, transport, car rentals, etc.
Italy prices
9 things you should bring home from Etna and Catania. What to buy in Italy?
The sides of Etna and the nearby hills are filled with fertile soil. That, alongside the great weather conditions, makes for great plantlife. The Sicilian farmers use these conditions to their greatest potential, producing good of the highest quality, which are certainly worth purchasing, when in Italy. All the unique rocks of the island are also commonly used in architecture and jewellery making. What should you buy on Etna or in Catania? What to bring back home with you from Etna?
See More →9 things you should bring home from Etna and Catania. What to buy in Italy?