
Is Kos windy? Meltemi wind on Kos

Kos is known mainly as a tiny island with beautiful sandy beaches and ideal conditions for water sports. This may be misleading, though – water sports may be fun in a place full of wind, but lounging on a beach may be much less fun when you’re trying to keep the wind from stealing your hat. As such, today we’ll take a look at just how windy Kos is and whether you can relax there in peace.

See More →Is Kos windy? Meltemi wind on Kos


Sea temperature in Kos in June and July

The island of Kos is said to be Greece in a nutshell. This is because it contains all that makes Greece so precious – magnificent landscapes, incredible monuments, rich culture and great weather. If you’re planning a holiday trip there and you’re an avid beach enthusiast, you may want to know how warm the water’s going to be in June and July. We’ll go over exactly that today.

See More →Sea temperature in Kos in June and July


Where is Kos located?

If you’re not too familiar, Kos is a popular tourist destination, well renowned for its beautiful beaches, lovely little villages and rich history. Beyond that, however, many may not know much. As such, if you’re here for the basics too, let’s cover the absolute fundamental one – where is Kos on the map?

See More →Where is Kos located?