Etna Trip

How to Get to Etna by Car, Bus From Catania and Taormina. Active Volcano Tours

Etna is the tallest mountain in Sicily, at over 3350 meters above the sea level. In 2013, it was included on the UNESCO World Heritage Site list. We can get up there independently or with the help of a guide. Contrary to what you might’ve imagined, Etna does not have just one huge crater which erupts every once in awhile. In reality, it has at least 270-280 craters, and each has its own separate story. Currently, the tallest point of Etna stands at the northeastern crater, which came to be in 1911, due to an eruption. The last eruption took place in 2019, on the 31th of May, in the southeastern crater. How to get up Etna? Is Etna dangerous? How far can we get independently? What should we bring to Etna?

See More →How to Get to Etna by Car, Bus From Catania and Taormina. Active Volcano Tours

public transport in Porto

How To Get Around Porto. How to Get to The City Center from the Aiport. Prices, tips

Many tourists, when coming to Porto, wonder if and how they should use the public transport in the city. One of the common questions we get is how to get to the centre of the city from the airport. Similarly, we get asked, how to use the trams, buses, the metro, the Funicular dos Guindais railway, or the Teleferico de Gaia ropeway in Porto. We’ll try to cover all of that today.

See More →How To Get Around Porto. How to Get to The City Center from the Aiport. Prices, tips