
Warmest regions in Greece in May

The Greek islands have long been a very popular tourist destination, so much so that summers mean pretty much every popular beach is swarmed instantly. As such, many tourists may want to come a tiny bit earlier, in May, for instance. Today, we’ll take a look at which part of Greece is warmest in May, so you can choose a proper pre-summer summer destination.

See More →Warmest regions in Greece in May


Which continent is Rhodes a part of?

Rhodes is the largest of the Dodecanese islands and one of the largest islands in Greece. In practice, however, it’s literally touching the coast of Turkey. As such, you may question whether it’s formally recognised as a part of Europe or Asia. It’s also not all that far off from Africa – so which one is it? Let’s take a look.

See More →Which continent is Rhodes a part of?


Is Rhodes windy?

Rhodes is predominantly famous for its beautiful beaches, unspoiled nature, great weather and ancient monuments. But you may have also heard of the Meltemi wind blowing through the island during summer. Is it too windy to enjoy a hot day on a beach? How strong is the Meltemi wind? Let’s take a look.

See More →Is Rhodes windy?


Is it safe in Rhodes?

Safety is quite a fundamental issue when it comes to both holidays and everything else. After all, you don’t just sit by the pool 24/7 – you enter restaurants, you visit markets, stroll around and return to the hotel room. So how safe is Rhodes? What should you look out for?

See More →Is it safe in Rhodes?