
Is Turkey a member of the Schengen Area?

The Schengen Agreement, signed in 1985, is one of the most important agreements for the citizens of mainland Europe. It abolished border controls between the signatory member countries. Thanks to it, countries such as Germany, Iceland, Switzerland and many others can travel through each other’s borders without the traditional procedures. Is Turkey among these countries? Is Turkey a member of the Schengen Area?

See More →Is Turkey a member of the Schengen Area?


Greece or Turkey: where should you go on holidays?

Are you stuck trying to decide between holidays in Greece and Turkey? Understandably so, as both countries offer such a wealth of history, culture and beautiful nature that it’s really hard to choose. So how about we try to help you with that? We’ll go over which of the two countries is usually warmer, cheaper, has more interesting tourist attractions, better beaches and is more suitable for families with children.

See More →Greece or Turkey: where should you go on holidays?


Are there coral reefs in Turkey?

The beautiful coral reefs are a sight that is sure to attract crowds of tourists and diving enthusiasts from all over the world, and understandably so. They are usually found in seas and oceans where the temperature is higher than 18 degrees Celsius and their depth reaches 50 metres. Is Turkey among these countries? Can you find coral reefs in Turkey?

See More →Are there coral reefs in Turkey?


What should you buy in Turkey? Your holiday shopping list for 2023

Turkey is full of bazaars, markets, art and great cuisine. There is a stunning selection of things and souvenirs you can buy in Turkey, so it’s no wonder you may feel a bit overwhelmed. What should you buy and bring back home? What can and can’t you buy in TUrkey? We’ll go over all of that and more in today’s shopping guide. Before we start, a few tips to establish:

See More →What should you buy in Turkey? Your holiday shopping list for 2023