
What to buy in the Vatican? 11 best goodies you can bring back from the Vatican City

A visit to the Vatican is not just a daytrip to another tourist destination – for a believer, it can be a genuinely important event in their life. Beyond just the visit itself, you can also immortalise that memory in a little souvenir that you can bring back with you. What can you buy in the Vatican? We’ll go over a couple things today.

See More →What to buy in the Vatican? 11 best goodies you can bring back from the Vatican City


Where is the Vatican City located?

Many tourists going to Rome have more in mind than just the Colosseum and Rome’s wonderful array of pastas. For both the believers and those of you simply interested in religious sites, Italy also hides an opportunity to see the Vatican, Saint Peter’s Basilica and perhaps even the Pope himself. Though, if you’re not well-versed in the basics yet, you may not even know where to look for him. Where is the Vatican City? Let’s get you up to speed.

See More →Where is the Vatican City located?


Was Jesus ever in the Vatican?

Millions of pilgrims are drawn to the Vatican every year, wanting to see some of the most famous buildings of our culture and civilisation, to pray or to see the Pope. Many may wonder why the Vatican of all places is home to the Holy See. Was Jesus ever in the Vatican? If not, why is the Vatican the residence of the Holy See?

See More →Was Jesus ever in the Vatican?