What to see in Larnaca? – top 9 best attractions, guide

Larnaca is a multicultural mold filled with attractions, located on the eastern side of Cyprus. Apart from being a great complex of monuments, beaches and generally special places, it’s also a great starting point for exploring the entirety of Cyprus, including Ayia Napa or even the Northern Cyprus. Which attractions and monuments should you see in Larnaca?

Larnaca – sightseeing

We have already touched upon the attractions of Paphos, now the time has come for Larnaca. Most of the attractions are located in the compact centre of the city and are consequently in distance coverable with a short walk. The only exceptions would be the Aqueduct and the lake near the Hala Sultan Tekke. One or two days are certainly plenty to cover most of what Larnaca has to offer, it’s a great spot for a weekend trip. If you want more, certain districts, especially the Turkish one, have a ton of tiny alleys, which can take hours to fully penetrate. A few attractions require you to book early, for instance the Zenobia wreck.

Hala Sultan Tekke, Umm Haram Mosque

hala sultan tekke

larnaca cats  hala_sultan_tekke

Umm Haram was the wife of Ubadah ibn al-Samit, a companion of Prophet Muhammad. Mosque is located right by the salty lakeside in Larnaca. The temple was built in 1760, and it consists of an Ottoman-style mosque, minaret, mausoleum, cemetery and a garden. It also serves as a burial ground for Umm Haram. What else? Oh, there are cats everywhere. Outside or inside the mosque, cats are everywhere, and they are protected by the locals and the temple administration. From the research done below the area, it appears that settlements were there from the Bronze Age, up to 1600 years B.C. We recommend taking pics of the mosque from the lakeside.

Salt Lake in Larnaca

larnaca salt lake
Salt Lake in Larnaca

Larnaca Boulevard

larnaca_boulevard Larnaca Boulevard

Starting at the Kastella Beach, reaching all the way up to the Finikoudes Beach, is the newly renovated boulevard. Next to the magnificent views of the sea, you will find many of the best restaurants in the city, a castle and a easy way to get to the historical centre of Larnaca. Gets even more charming during the sunrise.

Finikoudes Beach


A beach well equipped in all sorts of amenities. There, you will find equipment rentals, restaurants and various shops. The entire area is protected by lifeguards, the beach is mostly sandy. We’ve written more about the beaches in Cyprus in one of our previous posts, here.

Larnaca Castle

castle in larnaca

This 12th century’ castle was originally built for defensive purposes, in 1398 it was expanded further by James I, later by the Turks. It lost a lot of its importance soon after, only utilised as a prison by the Brits much later. Today, it serves as a museum and one of the symbols of the historic part of Larnaca. The castle’s open from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 19:30. On Saturdays and Sundays, it’s open from 9:30 to 19:30 during the high season. During the winter season (16.09 – 15.04) it closes on 17 all week. The ticket costs 2.5 EUR.

Church of Saint Lazarus

Church of Saint Lazarus
Interior of Church of Saint Lazarus
Church of Saint Lazarus
Church of Saint Lazarus

Arguably the most popular monument in Larnaca, located near Ayiou Lazarou. It was built in the 9th century by Leo VI. According to the Orthodox legend, the church is built on the burial ground of St. Lazarus of Bethany. In 1570, it was turned into a mosque to, after 19 years, be sold to an Orthodox community. Later, it was mostly utilised by Catholic communities. The iconostasis comes from baroque. The building is measured at 31,5 x 14,5 m with beautiful semicircular apses and a triple sanctuary composition.

Djami Kebir Mosque

Larnaca Mosque
Night photo of Larnaca Mosque

A small mosque situated right next to the Larnaca castle. According to unofficial sources, it’s the first mosque built by the Ottomans in Cyprus. Prior to that, a church dedicated to St Catherine from the 13th century stood there proudly.

Zenobia wreck

Another wreck on another one of our Cyprus’ list. We’ve written about the other ones in our post about attractions in Paphos. Zenobia was a Swedish ship which sank near the coast of Cyprus in 1980. It’s one of the most popular diving spots in the world. The wreck is located at around 1500 m from the coast, at 42 m of depth.

Kamares Aqueduct

Aqueduct in the outskirts of the city

Also known as the Bekir Pasha Aqueduct, it’s located outside of the official borders of the city centre. It came to be in 1747, ordered and paid for by Ebubekir Pasha. It was one of the most famed Ottoman monuments on Cyprus.

Map of attractions in Larnaca

larnaca attractions

  1. Hala Sultan Tekke
  2. Salt lake in Larnaca
  3. Kamares Aqueduct
  4. Larnaca Castle
  5. Djami Kebir Mosque
  6. Larnaca boulevard
  7. St Lazarus church
  8. Finikoudes Beach
  9. Zenobia wreck

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