Is Athens safe to visit?

Athens is among the most famous cities of the world and one of the larger metropolitan areas in Europe. Amidst the swarms of people, both tourists and locals, can we be sure that we’re safe? Is Athens a safe city to visit? Should you be concerned about pickpockets and robbers? Let’s take a look.


Pickpockets in Athens


Petty crime rates are quite low in Athens, though you should still be alert and conscious where your valuables are. Pickpocketing doesn’t happen very regularly but it’s a real possibility that you have to be aware of. As such, use common sense and keep an eye on your belongings – most notably backpacks, bags, wallets and phones. If someone’s trying to get your attention really badly, also be careful. Similarly, if you see a very crowded spot, don’t squeeze inside, as you won’t be able to do much against a pickpocket when squished inside of a moshpit.


Scams in Athens


You may also encounter scams in tourist areas sometimes – taxi drivers amping up your price if you don’t set it before the ride, overpricing your tickets or selling fake ones, etc. These are, thankfully, rare cases – if you’re paying attention you shouldn’t have to worry about anything of the kind. Don’t buy things from random shady people on the street, buy tickets online, settle on a price before departing with your taxi if you’re using one.


Travelling alone in Athens


Risk for solo ladies is quite low across Greece and Athens is no different. You should still exercise basic caution, especially at night in less touristy areas, though you generally don’t have to worry too much.


Riots in Athens


Riots are no stranger to Athens at this point and, if one were start when you’re in the area, we’d recommend staying far away from these points. The areas around the riot tends to become enveloped with chaos and increased crime rates and it’s safer to stay out of the line of fire.


Is Athens safe to visit?


Yes, Athens is a generally safe city. Crime rates are quite low, Greeks are kind and welcoming people and even tap water in Athens is pretty safe. You may predominantly encounter pickpockets in very crowded areas and in public transport sometimes, though these are relatively rare occurrences compared to actual crime data. As such, don’t fret, it’s as good as they get today.


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