Why you should visit Alicante in spring! Weather in Alicante in March, April and May

Have a free weekend in spring and don’t know what to do with it? Or maybe you’re thinking of visiting Alicante but you’re not sure when would be the right time? Today’s post may just solve both of these problems, as we’re looking at Alicante in spring. We’ll go over a few reasons why Alicante in spring is a great idea and what the weather’s like in March, April and May.


Easter in Alicante


Wielkanoc w Hiszpanii

We’ve already written about Spanish easters and why it’s a great time to visit Spain. Alicante is no different here, as one of the most popular events occurs on Wednesday before Easter Sunday – a procession takes over the steep streets of Santa Cruz. If you want to experience a different easter for once, or want to participate in it if you’re a Christian, then it’s a great time for a trip to Alicante.


Fewer tourists and lower prices in spring


La Explanada de España

Summer is not just unbearably hot because of the temperatures, but also because you have to exist within proximity of a thousand people at every step. Spring, however, can get downright silent in Alicante. You won’t have to push yourself through crowds to get wherever you may wish and the prices fall significantly too. All the more time that you save this way that can be spent exploring Alicante’s best spots.


Swimming in Alicante in spring


najlepsze plaże na Costa Blanca

Can you swim in Alicante in spring? Of course! You may not be able to sit in the water for ages, the water in the Mediterranean is not as warm as it will be in a few months. It’s certainly warm enough for a quick swim though, especially at the end of May. We highly recommend visiting the beaches around Costa Blanca.


How warm is spring in Alicante?


Alicante wiosna pogoda

From the typical UK weather perspective, Alicante certainly won’t disappoint you, even in spring. On the hottest days in May, the temperatures can reach 30 degrees Celsius. You’ll find a breakdown month by month below.


Weather in March in Alicante


Alicante Marzec

March will be the coolest month listed here, with temperatures ranging from 17 to 20 degrees Celsius during the day. It may also rain a little towards the end of the month, so it’s worth having an umbrella. At night, temperatures will drop to around 9 degrees Celsius – a jacket will come in handy :).


Weather in Alicante in April


Alicante kwiecień

April will be significantly warmer and also certainly less rainy. Temperatures will fluctuate between 22 and 24 degrees Celsius, so it’s unironically time to think about sunscreen. At night, the temperatures will drop to around 11 degrees Celsius.


Weather in May in Alicante


Alicante kwiecień

The warmest month of those mentioned, already perfectly good for visits to the beach! Temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius are a regular sight in May, there are days where the bar hits above 30 degrees too. At night, it usually drops to around 15 degrees Celsius.

As you can see, you have nothing to worry about in regards to the weather in spring in Alicante. Plus, it’s significantly cheaper, less crowded and there’s still plenty to do, so why not visit Alicante out of season?


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