Bergamo Weather January. Is It Worth Going? Temperatures

Most people associate Italy with a country where temperatures are high in almost every location. However, the situation with the weather in Italy, especially when it comes to the weather in Bergamo, is far from clear. Many travellers wonder what the weather is like in Bergamo in January. Is it worth going to Bergamo in January? What is the weather and average temperature in Bergamo in January? Let’s find out!

Is it warm in Bergamo in January? The short and concise answer to this question is no. Bergamo, located in Lombardy at the foot of the Bergamo Alps, is not one of the tourist destinations that are hot in winter.

What is the weather like in Bergamo in January? At the start of the year, you can expect an average of around 6 degrees Celsius (42.8 F) during the day in the first half of January and around 7 degrees Celsius (44.6 F) during the day in the second half of the month. At night, the temperature in Bergamo in January fluctuates around 0 degrees Celsius (32 F).

However, there are, of course, colder nights when the temperature drops a few dashes below zero. There are also days in January when the daytime temperature can rise above 10 degrees Celsius (50 F).

As you can see, however, these are not conditions that allow you to move freely without slightly warmer shoes, several layers of clothing or a warm jacket or coat.

Does it rain in Bergamo in January? It may happen that we hit rainfall in Bergamo in January. Snowfall can also happen, especially at night. If snow does fall on the streets in Bergamo, it is unlikely to last very long due to the positive temperatures during the day, so pavements are not usually snow-covered. Of course, there are seasons when snow or ice persists on the city streets and then you have to be extra careful walking on the streets and alleys of Bergamo!

Summary: what is the weather like in January in Bergamo? January in Bergamo is one of the coldest months of the year. Average temperatures in January do not allow you to walk around in light clothing. When going to Bergamo in January, expect cold days and possible rain or snow!

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