Can you drink tap water in Berlin?

With the increase in the quality of living standards, tap water is becoming more and more of a normal thing to drink. It can also save a surprising amount of money for a tourist on their holiday trip, not even mentioning how you don’t have to use up more plastic this way. Can you make use of tap water while in Berlin? Does Germany have safe tap water? Let’s take a look!


How safe is tap water in Berlin?

Tap water is endearingly referred to as the “best-monitored foodstuff” of Germany. That’s because Germany has committed a lot of resources to making sure that its tap water is as safe as possible, as set by a very strict set of rules governing how the water is cleaned. To cut the long story short, Germany’s tap water is very safe when compared to other countries. Berlin prides itself on the quality of its water and for a good reason, as the system is quite impressive.


Is there a but?

Sort of. Berlin’s tap water is very safe when compared to other countries and we would say that you can generally feel free to drink it. To remain upfront about things, however, we have to say that, in spite of all the efforts that Germany goes through to clean its water, it can never really be ‘perfectly clean’ as you would get in bottled water. For instance, you still can find unrenovated parts of Berlin which may be using lead pipes, which seeps into the water through corrosion. Water in Germany has also, at times, had levels of other metals, like copper or zinc, above the accepted norm. Similarly, residues from chemicals used in agriculture or even remains of pharmaceuticals or drugs are also sometimes found in the water supply stream. 

Is it realistically going to affect you as a tourist who drinks it for a few days and then returns home? No, likely not. But there is a reason why Germany’s the second largest consumer of bottled water in the EU. It’s not perfect but it’s certainly safe enough for you not to have to worry about it. Just keep in mind, there are no perfect solutions.

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