
Where is the Vatican City located?

Many tourists going to Rome have more in mind than just the Colosseum and Rome’s wonderful array of pastas. For both the believers and those of you simply interested in religious sites, Italy also hides an opportunity to see the Vatican, Saint Peter’s Basilica and perhaps even the Pope himself. Though, if you’re not well-versed in the basics yet, you may not even know where to look for him. Where is the Vatican City? Let’s get you up to speed.

See More →Where is the Vatican City located?


Where is Rome located?

We’d be very impressed if you haven’t yet heard of Rome, but it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that you may have been very asleep during your geography classes. If so, then you may know Rome but not its location. As such, we’ll go over the absolute basics today – where is Rome located? Which peninsula is Rome on?

See More →Where is Rome located?


Is there a metro in Rome?

The metro is one of the most convenient forms of public transport available in our modern world. It’s relatively cheap, punctual and there’s no traffic. If you’re going to Rome and you have a lot on your to-see list, then you may be wondering if you can also find a metro in Rome?

See More →Is there a metro in Rome?


Where are the Apennine Mountains located on the map?

Active holidays are a very popular way of spending one’s time off, with hiking trails becoming more crowded than ever before. What’s the popular destination for climbers? Often the Apennines. But if you haven’t paid much attention during geography classes or you simply have never delved into that part of the world at all, you may not know where the Apennines even are. Don’t worry, we’ve got you.

See More →Where are the Apennine Mountains located on the map?