
Guide to the Dresden Airport

Dresden is a beautiful German city with a rich history and millions of visiting tourists every year. If you’d like to join the crowds, you may want to know what airport options you have at your disposal. Today, we’ll go over exactly that. Does Dresden have its own airport? How to get from there to the city? Let’s have a look!

See More →Guide to the Dresden Airport


Does Uber work in Prague?

Uber is an incredibly convenient form of travel. If you’ve got used to using Uber at home, you may be wondering whether you’ll also be able to use it during your stay in Prague. Today, we’ll go over the Uber situation in the Czech Republic. Let’s take a look!

See More →Does Uber work in Prague?


Guide to Prague Metro

A metro is often considered the most convenient means of transport in large metropolises and it’s no different in Prague. The Metro in Prague is relatively extensive, serving over five hundred million passengers in 2021. How many lines and stations does it have? Which one should you use when in Prague? Let’s take a look.

See More →Guide to Prague Metro