Is Christmas celebrated in Turkey?

Wondering if Christmas is celebrated in Turkey? Can you find Christmas decorations around Istanbul or İzmir? Today, we’ll examine the Christmas situation in Turkey.


Christmas in Turkey


Turkey is a largely Muslim country, so the local people of the country do not celebrate Christmas. However, the concept is not completely alien to them. Interestingly, historically, St. Nicholas (one of many) was born in Turkey. In Turkish, he is Noel Baba and it has been a tradition for many years that he brings presents to children on New Year’s Day.

Every year, more and more shops are opting for Christmas decorations. Most of them rather choose to use non-Christian elements, such as reindeer or lights. In some of them, you can even spot Father Christmas (though they’ll try to desperately convince you that it’s Noel Baba).

In some houses, you may even see a Christmas tree, but it will be strictly related to the New Year celebrations. 25 and 26 December are perfectly normal working days in Turkey. However, there are some exceptions, with some hotels organising special Christmas dinners on Christmas Day specifically for Christian tourists.


Christmas Eve in Turkey


As with Christmas in general, Christmas Eve is not celebrated in Turkey by the majority of the population. However, it should be remembered that 0.2% of the population in Turkey is Christian – so there will probably be a few homes where Christmas Eve is probably celebrated by someone.


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