Can you find dolphins in Antalya?

Meeting dolphins is a dream come true for many tourists, young and old alike. As such, we decided to check whether you can find dolphins in Antalya. If you’re looking for a chance to see dolphins, be it in the wild or in dolphinariums, we’ll examine whether Antalya’s the right place for you.


Are there dolphins in Antalya? Can you find them in the wild?

Let’s start by answering the most basic question: are there dolphins in Antalya? Yes. Antalya’s located in the Mediterranean Sea, which is characterised by a great diversity of residents – including dolphins! The only problem is that they prefer to generally stay on the high seas and rarely swim up to the shores. So how do we solve that? Well, Antalya offers an array of cruises from its ports, where you can theoretically see wild dolphins, but the chance of that in reality is relatively small. Still, there’s one more option left.


Are there dolphins in Antalya’s Aquariums? Can you swim with dolphins in Antalya?

Yes, dolphins are indeed present in Antalya’s aquariums and water parks. There’s also an option to swim with dolphins in the Aksu Dolphinarium, about 10 miles from the centre of Antalya. You’ll see both organised dolphin shows there and have a chance for a solo-swim with a dolphin. Sadly, as with all great things in life, the price is quite steep – for a 5-minute stay ‘alone’ with a dolphin, you have to pay €100.


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