Is Albania a member of the European Union?

The European Union has helped regulate and open up many countries. The many agreements between its member states also provide many benefits for tourists. If you’re thinking of visiting Albania, but you’re not sure if it is a part of the EU, we’ll answer your questions today.


Is Albania in the EU?

Let us start with the most basic question – is Albania in the EU? Currently, the country is not a member of the European Union, although it has been trying to become one for several years now. Albania applied for EU membership in 2009 and, in 2014, the EU granted it the candidate status.

So when will it happen? We do not currently know. Albania’s accession is still in the process of negotiations and has been since 19 July of 2022. It was supposed to start two years earlier, but Bulgaria vetoed the entire group which Albania was a part of (because of North Macedonia).

Still, even if Albania is to join the EU, massive reforms in regards to the administration and judiciary of the country would have to take place. The EU authorities also demand that Albania be more effective in its fight against corruption at the highest level of government.


Albania not in the EU – consequences for tourists

What does this mean for the tourists? Firstly, there’s no EHIC insurance in Albania, which usually makes it possible to receive free treatment in all member states. The range of free treatment available under individual agreements between Albania and given countries tends to be quite poor, so do make sure to get proper insurance if you’re visiting.

There’s also the question of payment – the official currency is the Albanian Lek. Tourists can use euros in larger supermarkets and hotels, but these tend to be at unfavourable exchange rates.


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