Should you visit Istanbul in winter? Weather in December, January and February

Istanbul is an intercontinental city of many cultures with nearly 16 million inhabitants. Can we count on high temperatures in Istanbul in winter? No, but many believe that December, January and February are still the best months to visit this city. Why should you visit the former Constantinople in winter? What is the weather like in Istanbul in December, January and February? We dedicate today’s post to answering both of those questions.


Does it snow in Istanbul in winter?


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Given Turkey’s large size, weather can vary quite a bit when comparing different areas. The same applies to the country’s largest city, Istanbul. Situated between two continents, Asia and Europe, it stretches along the Bosphorus Strait. In addition, the city’s located on two seas: the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara. All of this affects the weather here and, though it gets snowy, it’s hopefully still a pleasant surprise. The average temperatures in winter stay around 4-13 degrees Celsius. Sometimes these temperatures are also complimented by fog and rain, and it only makes the city look all the more magical in winter.

We have to mention that weather forecasts for Istanbul can be very unreliable. The city’s residents even joke and make memes about that. A trip to Istanbul in winter, thus, requires us to be ready for anything. Take winter clothes, an umbrella and sunglasses with you. Yes, all three.


Istanbul in winter – low prices


Wielki Bazar
Istanbul Grand Bazaar

December, January and February are the best times to visit Istanbul if you’re on a budget. Both accommodation and flight prices drop dramatically during this period. Sometimes the price difference compared to summer is more than 50%. It is also worth negotiating prices, especially if it’s a private accommodation. There is a good chance that, if you ask, the owner will agree to lower the price a little more during this period.

There are no Christmas celebrations in Turkey but the New Year is celebrated very lavishly. Houses and streets are decorated for the occasion and there’s no shortage of lights all around the city. Still, the prices are lower than in other places.

In late December and early January, snow may even appear. Just like it is here, this is also the time for big sales in Turkey!


Istanbul in winter – no crowds


Istanbul is home to nearly 16 million inhabitants. Unofficial statistics even state that there’s actually over 20 mln people there. That’s like a third of the UK just dropped into a city. As such, when you add the hordes of summer tourists, the city can be a bit overwhelming. That’s exactly why a trip to Istanbul in December, January or February is a perfect opportunity to see the city in a different, calmer light. Statistics propose that the number of tourists in the city drops by more than half when compared to high season. It also means much shorter queues to all the best tourist attractions (or no queues at all). Strolling through the misty streets, sitting in cafes over a steaming glass of tea or sinking into a reading in one of the stylish cafes, you can feel more like a local without the swarms of tourists.


Istanbul in winter – Turkish specialities!


turecka herbata i słodycze
Turkish tea and sweets – perfect for winter

In Turkey, eating is not just a mechanical activity, a chore to get out of the way. It is a celebration of life and of the time spent together. The most popular local alcohol, raki, is actually consumed in order to eat snacks specially prepared for the occasion. Sampling a variety of traditional Turkish dishes is one of the best things to do in Istanbul (you’ll find great restaurants with local delicacies and even a dedicated area, the Breakfast Street).

In winter, you can try some truly unique dishes and drinks that are dedicated to this time of year! Some of them only appear on offer in these months. One of these is salep – a drink made from orchid root, which is ground into flour and mixed with hot milk, sugar and cinnamon. Another drink is boza – a warming drink served cold, made from fermented grains, sprinkled with cinnamon and roasted chickpeas on top. Among locals, there is a belief that the best place to drink boza is in the Fatih district. And finally, as soon as the weather gets cold, hot chestnut vendors spring up like mushrooms on the streets of Istanbul.

Also check out the weather in Istanbul in autumn here.


Weather in Istanbul in December


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Is it warm in Istanbul in December? Well not necessarily, temperatures range from 9 to 17 degrees Celsius during the day. At night they drop to around 8 degrees Celsius. You have about a 40% chance of rain.


Weather in Istanbul in January


Stambuł pogoda styczeń

What about January? The temperatures in Istanbul in January range from +4°C to +8°C during the day – at night it can even drop below zero. On average, it can rain or snow for a good half of this month. If you get the half with snow, you’re in luck. Photographers from all over the world come to Istanbul to capture the amazing sights of the city under the snow! Don’t forget your umbrella.


Weather in Istanbul in February


Stambuł pogoda luty

The weather in February can be compared to our typical March – there’s a good chance you may encounter all four seasons in a day. That’s fine though, as it makes for spectacular sunsets! The city is still beautiful in February, and the temperatures start getting better – you can expect about 10 degrees Celsius.


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