Should you visit Lisbon in winter? Weather for December, January, February (and March) in Lisbon

Winter holidays are one of those things that sound off only if you don’t actually think about it. As long as the destination in question is a warm one, you can totally combine a break from the grey cold monotony with an actual exploration of a new place. Is Lisbon one of those places too? Can you go to Lisbon in winter and should you? How warm is it? All of that in today’s article.

Weather in Lisbon in December

Lizbona w zimie
City full of sunshine all year round

You can expect a range of 13-19 degrees Celsius in December. On the plus side, of course, so it’s very warm compared to what we’re dealing with at home. Rainfall does occur, though it’s unlikely to be numerous and lasting. Winter is, to be fair, the rainiest period of the bunch, but this still doesn’t make it actually rainy.


Weather in Lisbon in January

Lizbona w styczniu
January temperatures

January is the coldest month in Portugal, even though it’s, in reality, very similar to December. Expect only a slight dip in temperatures. A jacket will certainly come in handy, though don’t weigh in too heavy on the warm side, as you’ll certainly make use of the lighter clothing, especially on windless sunny days, as the perceived temperature can be even higher than the ones recorded.


Weather in Lisbon in February

Lizbona w lutym
Already a great time for a picnic with some pasteis de nata

The beginning of February tends to be a little warmer than the previous two months, while the end of February and beginning of March can be genuinely very warm. Lisbon is, therefore, a great place for a late February trip. As early as mid-February though, you can already find well over 20 degrees Celsius in Lisbon. Your chances of snow are obviously practically zero.


Weather in Lisbon in March

Lizbona w marcu
Maybe you should wait for spring though?

As you can imagine, this is the warmest and most pleasant month mentioned, as days with temperatures over 20 degrees become a bit more of a regular thing. In 2023, one day (27th) even showed 27 degrees! You’re unlikely to see such highs in actual winter, though we probably shouldn’t expect them to begin with. Still, March is certainly a bit better if you feel like you need that safety net that there’ll be no coldish days, as winter can still dip to 15s and what not.


Should you visit Lisbon in winter?

We certainly think so. Flights are much cheaper this time of year, so you can also save lots of money by choosing a winter trip. You’ll also invariably see way less tourists, so exploring will be a lot more fun. You can still find queues at the major tourist attractions, though certainly none of the insanity of the high season. 

Lizbona czy warto
Sunsets are beautiful all year round.

And, of course, you can expect temperatures to be quite high – Lisbon is one of Europe’s warmest capitals afterall. Don’t play silly, though – do take a coat or a jacket with you, as you’ll certainly be reminded that it’s still winter in the evenings. If you’re interested, you can check out our list of the best tourist attractions in Lisbon


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