Mallorca in July, August and September, what is the weather like in Mallorca?

Wondering what weather you can expect from Mallorca in July, August or September? Maybe your trip is already well booked and only now you’re thinking, oh dear, what if it’s a tad bit too cold? We’ll go over just that in today’s post.

(no, you really don’t need to worry about the temperatures being too low)


Should I go to Mallorca in summer?

Yes, Mallorca in summer is a great idea, as long as you can stand the heat. The temperatures can reach well over 30 degrees Celsius for much of August and September. A great time to lazily lounge on the beach all day, take a break to swim in the warm Mediterranean waters here and there.

What to do in Mallorca in summer? Anything and everything Mallorca has to offer! You can go sightseeing in Palma, go to concerts and music festivals on the island or take part in one of the vineyard trips organised by the locals. You can also take to the high seas and go on a dolphin/whale watching cruise around the Balearic Islands – you might even see an orca in Mallorca! 🙂

If you’re not into parties or sunbathing, don’t worry either, as you can still visit plenty of great sights and attractions around. Take a relaxing walk through the streets of Palma, Alcudia or go to the Monasterium Valldemossa.


Temperatures and weather in Mallorca in July


Mallorca in July is already very hot, only slightly cooler than August. Temperatures are fairly stable, ranging from 22 degrees at the start of the month to around 29 degrees Celsius by the end. It hardly ever rains, you don’t need to pack anything for rainy days, although an umbrella may help with the scorching sun.


Temperatures and weather in Mallorca in July


The very warmest Mallorca has to offer. Temperatures will range from 26 to 33 degrees Celsius, with highs such as 39 occurring at times too. And, of course, it hardly ever rains in August too. So on one hand, you have immense heat, which not all of you may like, and the massive crowds of tourists only make matters worse. If you don’t have a problem with both the tourist hordes and the very high temperatures, then August is still a great time for a trip to Mallorca.


Temperatures and weather in Mallorca in September


September is also expectedly very warm in Mallorca, at times reaching the same averages as August. Temperatures can go as high as 30 degrees Celsius. At night, temperatures drop to 22-23 degrees, so it’s a perfect temperature for a night stroll through the city. The crowds in September get a bit smaller, so it’s at least a bit better for you if you can’t stand that, though Mallorca hardly ever becomes truly ‘peaceful’.


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