Is it safe in Mallorca? Safety in Mallorca in 2023, what to look out for?

Security issues are among the top priorities for many people when looking for a holiday destination. Though numerous locations may tempt with wondrous landscapes, their unstable political situations, high levels of crime or a threat of cataclysm effectively strip them of their attractiveness. That’s why in today’s article we will go over the safety situation in Mallorca in 2023 and what to look out for.


Is Mallorca safe to visit right now? What do you need to know?


Mallorca is, understandably, an extremely popular tourist destination. High temperatures and beautiful beaches with crystal clear water make the island incredibly tempting, especially for those in a dire need of a break from the fog and rain. Therefore it is also understandable why such questions arise in regards to safety in Mallorca – so, is Mallorca safe?

We can say, with certainty, that yes, it’s very safe. Safety in Mallorca in 2023 sits at a pretty high level, with many bloggers and travellers highlighting that Mallorca is actually safer than mainland Spain. This safety stems from a very low level of organised crime and a particularly negligible rate of serious crime. Safety in Mallorca is also influenced heavily by their well-functioning medical care, which offers tourists all the necessary assistance in case of an emergency. Similarly, the majority of the locals have quite a positive inclination towards tourists and treat them in a very friendly manner.


What dangers await tourists in Mallorca? What to look out for?


Though, as aforementioned, Mallorca is a safe place, it is still worth mentioning a few potential dangers that you may encounter. It is not unheard of for occasional thieves to crawl near or directly on the local beaches, sometimes even breaking into rented cars. More likely, however, you may encounter inflated prices by some local vendors, or that some of them may trick you, like offering ‘free’ services or gifts and then, despite previous assurances, demanding a fee for them.

Truthfully, however, more of the danger may come from the weather conditions in Mallorca. When visiting the island during summer, you can expect some extreme heat. Thus, on the topic of dangers, do look out for sunburn.


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