Are there sharks and shark attacks on Samos?

If you’re thinking of holidays on Samos, one of the Greek islands, you may be wondering how people can be so relaxed about entering the sea – don’t sharks swim in these same waters? They sure do. So should you worry about sharks in Samos? Do shark attacks happen there? Let’s take a look.


Shark attacks on Samos

Yes, the Aegean Sea has plenty of sharks, some of them genuinely large and dangerous. And yes, there have been shark attacks in the past in Greece. But should you avoid the beach as a result?

No, you should certainly not worry too much about it. In over 170 years, there have only been 15 shark attacks in Greece, and not all of them fatal. Most were young men diving, meaning they were further out into the open sea and not on the beach. If you consider the number of tourists in Greece every year and how many of them are also out on cruise ships and boats, roaming around far from the coast, these are really very low numbers.

That’s because sharks simply aren’t interested in us, believe it or not. They have much better things to worry about in their own domain, deeper in the sea, and so should you. Watch out for sharp rocks and sea urchins. If you see any reason to be concerned, then follow the regulations and instructions from the people responsible for that and that’s all. You’ll be just fine. Have fun out there.


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