How warm is the sea water in Antalya?

Antalya is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Turkey, visited by thousands upon thousands each year. Are you thinking of joining the crowd but you’re worried that maybe the water won’t be warm enough there for long, relaxing swims? Then today’s post will answer all of your questions, as we’ll go over the sea temperatures in Antalya season by season.


Spring water temperatures in Antalya


The water temperature in Antalya in spring is already quite pleasant. In March, it reaches about 15-16 degrees Celsius, in April it rises to 16-17 degrees Celsius. May measurements already show 18-20 degrees. So we wouldn’t say it’s tropical warm, but certainly still warm enough for a short swim, especially near the end of May.


Summer water temperatures in Antalya


Okay, but that’s most likely what you’re here for. How is the sea water in Antalya in summer? Water temperatures in June reach 22-23 degrees Celsius. In June, this goes up to 25-26 degrees, while August, with year-round peak measurements, reaches 27-29 degrees Celsius. That’s pretty much what we can call perfect for long swims.


Autumn water temperatures in Antalya


If you’re thinking of holidays outside of the main high season, then you’re in luck too. The water temperature in Antalya in autumn is as follows: in September, it is between 25 and 26 degrees. In October, it drops to 23-25 degrees and November still sees a pleasant 21-22 degrees Celsius.


Winter water temperatures in Antalya


Finally, let’s check the most interesting season. The water temperatures in Antalya in December reach 18-20 degrees. In January, they drop to around 17 degrees Celsius and February gets 16 degrees. Certainly not too warm but, just like spring, also not so cold that you couldn’t dip in for a moment.


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