Are there sharks and shark attacks in Bodrum?

Bodrum is a greatly popular Turkish tourist resort. Its beautiful beaches and warm waters are very successful in luring in tourists dead tired of their deskjobs. But for those of you particularly concerned about safety, your own or perhaps of your children, what about shark attacks in Bodrum? Should you be worried about sharks there?


Are there sharks in Bodrum? 

When approaching this question, we should mention Bodrum’s geography – it’s located on the Aegean Sea. A body of water with rich biodiversity like that is very conducive to the presence of sharks. It’s estimated that there are around 35 species of sharks in the Aegean Sea. So yes, there are answers in Turkey and in Bodrum. But panic not, as sharks living nearby rarely come close to the shores.

Over the last few years, there have only been a handful of shark-related episodes in the near vicinity of beaches in Bodrum. The Ukrainian Independent News Agency reports that sharks in Bodrum swam ashore in greater numbers in 2008, leading to the closure of some beaches. In 2022, footage of a shark near a beach in Marmaris circulated in the media.


Shark attacks in Bodrum

While sharks are certainly present, that does not mean that there must be attacks in the area. What about Bodrum then? Were there instances of shark attacks in Bodrum?

Official statistics do not report any shark attacks in Bodrum or its immediate vicinity. The closest place to Bodrum where such an incident has occurred is the Turkish island of Kucuk Ada, 110 miles from Bodrum. The shark attack that took place there in 1967 was fatal. Such events have never occurred near or in Bodrum though. So yes, you can enjoy a nice beach day in Bodrum with your mind at ease. They’re not out to get you.


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