Are there sharks and shark attacks in Cyprus?

Given that Cyprus is an island on the eastern Mediterranean, surrounded by the sea from all sides in fact, you may be wondering just how safe you really are on its beaches. After all, the Mediterranean Sea itself is full of sharks, that’s just a fact. As such, are there sharks in Cyprus? Are there shark attacks? Rest easy, we’ll go over it today.

For other Mediterranean Sea countries, we’ve already covered Spain and Turkey – is Cyprus going to be different?

Well, when we were on the beach in Cyprus, we were actually bitten in the feet, but by a small Sargo. Frankly, it was quite pleasant, as weird as it may sound. The fish you’d usually encounter are not harmful or dangerous at all. What about sharks?

You can theoretically meet them, yes, even relatively close to the shore, but they’re usually far from an actual danger to humans. Don’t count on acting out a recreation of a scene from Jaws here, as sharks would rarely even consider swimming up to the beach and, even if, they wouldn’t go after random tourists. As for what sharks you could theoretically meet, it’s mainly tiger sharks and white sharks, which feed mainly off of other fish and turtles.


Shark attacks in Cyprus?

The last shark attack was more than a hundred years ago, off the coast of Larnaca, on 23 September, 1901. This was the last and the only shark attack to date. Yes, the only one. You’re more likely to be swept up by a tornado than to be ambushed by a shark on the beach, so don’t fret, you can sunbathe freely.


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