Are there sharks in Spain? Are Spanish beaches dangerous?

We have covered the shark situation in different places in the world, though not so much in Spain yet. Thus, let’s cut to it: are there sharks in Spain? Do shark attacks happen and should you worry about them?


Sharks in Spain

Are there sharks in the waters next to Spain, in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean? Yes, there are quite a few, both in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. Just as there are tubeworms at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, you will find around 45 shark species in the Mediterranean Sea. However, not all of them are dangerous to humans.

About 15 of them can actually be considered a threat. Which ones are the most dangerous? Well, you’ll find species such as the great white shark and the tiger shark, so the tippy top of the shark pyramid in these waters. But you should really be more concerned about stray dogs than sharks because shark attacks in Spain are INCREDIBLY rare.


Shark attacks in Spain


In the last 100 years, there have been about (different statistics providers disagree) 40 to 60 attacks recorded throughout both mainland Spain and its islands. Eight of these were fatal. Though we would not like to undermine the tragedy that that must have been and the experience of those who have survived, with just how many tourists and beach dwellers there are in Spain every single year, the amount is, in reality, very tiny.


Should you worry about in Spain?


Though there is a theoretical possibility that shark attacks could get more frequent in the future due to the Mediterranean getting warmer and bodies of water constantly being overfished, currently there’s no real need for you to worry much about shark attacks in Spain. Be responsible, pay attention to beach signs and regulations and you’ll be just fine.


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