Are there sharks and shark attacks in the Black Sea?

Are there sharks near the Sunny beach in Bulgaria or somewhere near northern Turkey? Do shark attacks happen near the Black Sea? In today’s post, we’ll go over the shark situation in the Black Sea and its bordering nations.


We have already written about sharks in certain places in the world, like in Spain, for instance. What about the Black Sea? Well, it’s connected to the Mediterranean, so there could also be lots of sharks traversing into the Black Sea. So what’s the situation?

We have two pieces of news for you: one good and one bad. The first is that there are a LOT of sharks in the Black Sea. That’s the bad news. And we don’t mean small minnows, but some actual real big-boy sharks. 

For instance, you’ll find the spiny dogfish here, angelsharks and the small but absolutely adorable lesser-spotted dogfish shark, measuring up to a metre. As for larger sharks, you’ll find the common thresher shark here, measuring over 6 metres in length and 350 kg in weight. 

There have also been rare reports of encounters with the Common Cephalopod, or hammerhead fish, or even the White Shark, at least nearer the Bosphorus Strait. But don’t worry. The good news? That it’s really unlikely for you to be endangered by any of them.


Shark attacks in the Black Sea

In reality, you’ve very little to worry about in regards to sharks, be you in Bulgaria or northern Turkey. They don’t usually dwell so near coasts that you’d be in any danger on a beach. Additionally, surface-levels are not that comfortable for many sharks anyway, as they prefer to dwell in the deeper levels of the sea.

Shark attacks have happened in the Black Sea in the past, but these are incredibly rare instances. So no, on average you have no need to be on the lookout for fierce sharks about to ambush your child on a beach – just abide by the rules of the beach and you’ll be just fine.


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