7 best things to do in and near Side

Between Antalya and Alanya lies the picturesque coastal town of Side. Its origins date back to the 7th century BC, when trade began to develop in the settlement. Today, Side lures thousands of tourists with its beautiful wide beaches by the azure sea and a generally pleasant holiday atmosphere. Additionally, there are plenty of well preserved ancient ruins towering above the town, so you’ll find something for yourself whether you prefer sightseeing or sun lounging. What are some fun things you can do and see in Side? Here’s our list.


Exploring Side


Side Zwiedzanie
Centre of Side (yes, really)

Side is a relatively small town to the west of Antalya, though its centre hides plenty of interesting spots. It’s the perfect town for both a beach holiday and a day packed with exploring. There are also lots of great spots around Side. Before we get to the list at hand, here are some tips you should know before going to Side:

  • Only consume alcohol in designated areas
  • Take off your shoes before entering a temple/mosque
  • Maybe avoid discussing politics with the locals (more about that here)
  • Remember to bargain at the bazaar 🙂
  • Preferably avoid tap water


Manavgat waterfalls


Side Wodospady

If you’re a nature person and you’re seeking natural spots wherever you go, be sure to go to Manavgat. In this village, located a few kilometres from Side, you will see one of the most beautiful local sights – the Manavgat waterfalls, created from a river. You can also find a charming cafe near the main waterfall and enjoy its sounds while sipping on a coffee or goat milk ice cream, a Turkish specialty.


Agora in Side


Agora w Side

In the ancient historic part of Side, you can see the ruins of the agora dating back to the 2nd century AD. There used to be a rectangular central city square here, bustling with life. Once this was a place filled with trade and where the political and religious life of the town was concentrated. Today, there isn’t much left. You can only admire the remains of the once-great square and ponder what things could have been like for them.


The beach in Side


Plaża w Side

As befits a touristic coastal town, you will find beaches in Side, and some beautiful ones at that. The resort is known for one of the longest, widest beaches in all of Turkey, which stretches for several miles. And it’s not just in its length, as the beach in Side is covered in powdery, light and velvety sand mixed with sparkling crystal-clear azure waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Due to the gentle descent to the sea and the shallow water, Side is popular especially among families with young children. You can find a well-prepared infrastructure with sun loungers, umbrellas and bars with snacks and colourful drinks. The hotels along the seafront compete with each other in offering water activities such as snorkelling, diving, parasailing or banana boating.

There are also a few more intimate beaches nearby, such as Incekum and Kadriye, though we’d argue that they’re not as picturesque as Side’s main beach.

Check out our list of the most beautiful beaches in Turkey.


Cruises in Side


Rejs łodzią w Side

Side is a seaside port town, so both private yachts and tourist ships dock here. The offer of commercial cruises is really wide. They are organised by several companies, and each one takes care to offer the most attractive trips. No matter which one you choose, you can sail out onto the Mediterranean Sea and enjoy the panoramic view of Side and its picturesque coastline. You can also see a bay of dolphins and sea turtles along the way as well as reach Manavgat located nearby. Most tours include meals for tourists and offer the chance to jump into the water and swim in the open sea. A boat cruise is a great way to spice up your holiday.


Seleucia (Lyrbe)



If you like delving into the history of the places you visit, you should certainly head to the ancient town of Seleucia (Lyrbe), less than 10 miles away from Side. You can find well-preserved ruins of an ancient agora here, as well as plenty of remains of temples, mausoleums and general dwellings. The site is surrounded by a fragrant pine forest. Due to its location on a hill, you get a beautiful view of the surrounding area. A walk through the ruins of this ancient city will be a pleasant way to spend an afternoon with its idyllic atmosphere.


The Temple of Apollo in Side


Świątynia Apolla w Side

The Temple of Apollo is one of Side’s most recognisable places. Located on the seafront, the temple has basically always been a symbol of the city. It was built in the 2nd century AD in the Corinthian style. Five of the 11 columns surrounding the building have survived to this day. The ruins of the temple can be seen thanks to archaeological work sponsored in the 1980s by US military officer and Washington Post reporter Alfred Friendly. People of Side clearly remember and appreciate Alfred’s contribution to restoring the monument, so you’ll find display cabinets with information about Mr Friendly and his involvement in the reconstruction. As for the history of this place, a small tidbit: Mark Antony supposedly offered this temple to Cleopatra as a token of his love and devotion.


Theatre in Side


Teatr w Side

In addition to the temple of Apollo, Side’s home to another monument from antiquity – the ancient theatre. It was built in the 2nd century AD in a style that was a combination of Roman and Anatolian. Its auditorium could accommodate an impressive fifteen thousand spectators. You’ll get a great view of both the whole theatre and the whole of Side from the highest rows, so it’s well worth it to climb to the top.


Map of activities in Side


Najlepsze atrakcje Side

1) Manavgat waterfalls
2) Agora
3) Theatre
4) Temple of Apollo in Side
5) Old town
6) Side beaches

Side is a perfect choice for a family holiday with or without children. The warming sun, the long sandy beaches and the wondrous sea are a guarantee of a successful stay. The resort will also be appreciated by those who shy away from large, noisy coastal cities. If that’s not you, you are always an hour away by car from the main urban centres such as Antalya or Alanya, so you can take a trip to either one of them at any time. So, really, whatever you desire, be it beaches, ancient history, peace and quiet or lively business, Side and its general area have got you covered.


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