How to get from the Zakynthos Airport to the centre?

Are you flying to Zakynthos and you’d like a hand in navigating the airport? Don’t you fret, we’ll go over all you need to know about the Zakynthos Airport and how to get from it to the namesake city.


Where is the airport on Zakynthos?

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The Zakynthos Dionysios Solomos International Airport (ZTH) is located right next to the city of Zakynthos, less than 2.5 miles from the centre. As you can see, its runway is very close to the edge of the island in the south – it runs from north to south, so you take off right into the open sea. 


Getting from Zakynthos Airport to the town

Despite its proximity, you’ll need to get to the centre with all your baggage somehow. You have a couple of options: taxis, hired cars and buses. The taxi terminal is just outside the airport exit – the ride takes about 10 minutes and usually costs between €10-15. There’s a city bus service roaming from the airport to the city – you can buy the tickets from the bus driver. We’d recommend hiring a car, as it’s the most convenient way of exploring the rest of the island anyway.


Shops and services

Zakynthos Airport is quite a small one, with only the basic services – duty-free shop, six food spots, ATMs, a car hire, charging stations and free wifi. You can learn more about what the airport offers on its official website


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