Atrakcje, zwiedzanie Trapani

Trapani – what to see? Top 10 tourist attractions, monuments and beaches

A sickle fell down on Earth from Ceres, creating a curve shaped coast, named Drépanon. According to the Greek legend, that’s how Trapani came to be – not a very popular city among the tourists, often underappreciated, although filled with monuments and intriguing places. What to see in Trapani? What attractions await us there? Here’s our list.

See More →Trapani – what to see? Top 10 tourist attractions, monuments and beaches

Sicily Winter

Sicily in winter, weather forecast for December, January and February

Sicily, compared to the rest of Europe, is a country with an incredibly warm climate. But is it warm enough for a comfortable trip in the winter season? If you ever asked yourself, is it warm in Sicily in winter, does Palermo have good weather, is it worth it to go to Sicily in winter, or is there even snow there, we may have exactly the answers you’re looking for.

See More →Sicily in winter, weather forecast for December, January and February