Cyprus or Rhodes? Which one is warmer, cheaper and better?

Looking for a very, very warm holiday destination but you’re not sure which one to choose? After all, Rhodes and Cyprus both look so appealing. But which one should you pick? Which one is warmer, cheaper and, overall, better? That’s exactly what we’ll try to determine today.


Cyprus vs Rhodes: which one is warmer?


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At first glance, the two islands are quite close to each other, which would suggest similar weather. Is that so in practice? Yes and no. Both islands are very warm in the summer, yes. Cyprus, however, is a bit warmer and it doesn’t get the Meltemi Wind that Rhodes does. If you’re looking for a warm island first and foremost, we’d recommend Cyprus, especially as it stays warm all year long. On the other hand, if you don’t really care if it’s going to be 30 or 33 degrees Celsius in the high season, then feel free to pick whichever. Truth is, both are insanely warm in the season anyway.


Rhodes vs Cyprus: which one is cheaper?

All beaches in Cyprus are free!

Frankly, trip prices to both Cyprus and Rhodes are very similar. As far as actually staying on the island is concerned, then prices in shops and restaurants are a bit higher in Rhodes. Taxi fares, on the other hand, are a bit higher in Cyprus. Entry fees to most tourist attractions are comparable on both. Which one would we deem cheaper? Cyprus, but only a bit.


Cyprus vs Rhodes: which one has better beaches?


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Both islands abound with beautiful sandy beaches. On Rhodes, you’ll find beaches such as Prasonisi, Traganou, Pefki and Lindos. On Cyprus, you have such beautiful beaches as the Nissi Beach, Lara Beach, Golden beach in northern Cyprus and the Coral Bay. Though we’re huge fans of the Cypriot beaches, especially as the water here is even warmer than in Rhodes, we have to give the title of better beaches to Rhodes.

If you’re choosing holidays in the low season, though, we’d argue that Cyprus is the better choice just because the temperatures are quite a bit higher. Cyprus is also the bigger island of the two, so you’ll have more options than in Rhodes.


Cyprus vs Rhodes: which one has better tourist attractions?


famagusta atrakcje

In this one aspect, size does kind of matter. Cyprus will invariably have more interesting sites to see. We recommend taking a look at the sheer volume of the great places you can see in Cyprus. Don’t get us wrong, though, it’s not like Rhodes doesn’t have its own share of tourist attractions. After all, you’ll find the old town of Rhodes here, the Acropolis of Lindos, Kamiros (and the ground on which there once proudly stood the Colossus of Rhodes). In Cyprus, though, you can find the Paphos Archeological Park, Kourion, the Tombs of the Kings, the old city of Famagusta and much more. If you’re looking for the island with more to see, choose Cyprus.


Cyprus vs Rhodes: which one is better for partying?


The capital city of Rhodes is well known for its bars, clubs and discos. Simultaneously, Cyprus has Ayia Napa, also a famous party place. Which one is better? Frankly, they’re both very similar – both have plenty of resorts next to well-known beaches with clubs and whole congregations of parties. Whichever one you choose, you’ll surely have a great time. A tie!


Cyprus vs Rhodes: Which one to choose?


Nissi Plaża

As you can see, both islands have plenty to offer and you’ll surely find a bit of everything on both Cyprus and Rhodes. If we are to narrow it down at least a bit, then if you want to explore interesting sites, we’d say Cyprus is better. It’s also a bit warmer, though both islands are great in that regard. As for beaches and parties, you can’t go wrong with either. Cyprus is, however, a tiny bit cheaper too.


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