Public Transport in Bergamo – Prices, Tickets, Timetables 2023

Bergamo is one of the Italian cities that can be visited by buying cheap plane tickets, and is itself cheap to visit. To reduce the cost of their trip, many people choose to use public transport in Bergamo and wonder how much public transport in Bergamo costs. What are the prices and tickets for buses, trams and trains in Bergamo? What are the prices?

The city of Bergamo and its 29 adjacent municipalities form a common public transport system, the like of which can be dreamt of in many cities in the USA. There is one ticket for the 29 municipalities and the city of Bergamo.

The Azienda Transporti Bergamo ticket allows travel on buses, trams and trains. Of course, ticket prices depend on how many municipalities you have to travel through. How much does it cost?

Public transport in Bergamo ticket prices

Ticket prices at Azienda Transporti Bergamo depend on how many zones we have to travel through and are not among the highest in the world. How much do they cost?

A 75-minute ticket for 1 zone costs €1.50, for 2 zones €2. For 3 zones, you can buy a 90-minute ticket costing €2.60
, for 4 the cost is €2.80 and is valid for 105 minutes, and for five or more the cost of the ticket is €3 and is valid for 120 minutes.

You can also buy tickets in sets of 10 single tickets, which are cheaper. Packages for individual zones cost €12.50; €17, €22, €24 and €25 respectively.

The best way to travel by public transport in Bergamo is with tourist tickets. A 24-hour ticket for public transport in the city itself costs €4 and across the network costs €7. A 72-hour ticket for all municipalities costs €12. There is also a special Gulliberg train operated by the city for tourists. Its cost is EUR 2 for one ride and EUR 3 for two rides.

It is also possible to buy season tickets in Bergamo and the adjacent municipalities, but their prices are not likely to be of interest to those who come here for holidays. You can always check current fares and timetables on the official website There you will also find connection search engines and up-to-date timetables.

Where to buy public transport tickets in Bergamo?

Tickets for public transport can be purchased from machines set up around the city. The various machines accept cards or coins. It is also possible to purchase tickets online using your credit card details. You will then receive your purchased Bergamo public transport tickets by email.

Summary: How much does public transport cost in Bergamo? The cheapest ticket for 75 minutes costs EUR 1.50 and with such a ticket you can go, for example, from Bergamo airport to the city centre or ride the famous Bergamo funiculars!

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